Coming Soon Countdown Under Construction Pages

Post date: Aug 31, 2016 12:52:3 AM

Whenever you need more time to finish up the design of your webpage, or to deal with an unexpected downtime, we can help you set up one of the following "coming soon" / "under construction" countdown pages. Once created, such a page will be entirely within your control and you can reuse it later for other site redesigns, scheduled maintenance or mitigating unplanned outages.

To choose the right one for you, have a look at this album of screenshots.

Some sites could look different in screenshots than in reality, or a substantial amount of work might be needed to get them up to speed. Here is a sample of installed templates (some with customization work done, some without): 

Most of the time you also need to configure a feed as these templates relay on Google Feedburner to capture email subscriptions for updates. After creating the feed, you need to specifically enable Email subscription and optionally customize it with your brand and your own messages. If we set it up for you, we'll transfer it to the email address on record (you might need a Google Account for it).

Whatever you choose a template yourself, choose wisely; if you feel overwhelmed by the choices, we could do this work for you - let us know via the form!