Our Plans

Our rates are very competitive. You may signup at any time. You may use your own ATA, purchase one from us, or "rent" at zero cost with a refundable deposit of $80, which includes S&H in most of North America.

Our rates may change (usually decreasing) and vary for different destinations within each country, but so far we offer about $0.01 / minute or less with Canada, $0.015 or less with USA, $0.016 with China, $0.03 with India, $0.19 with Philippines, $0.02 with Germany, $0.01 with UK, $0.03 with Romania, $0.02 with Brazil, all in 6 seconds increments.

We offer some very unique call features included with all our plans. To the best of our knowledge, nobody else offers this combination of unique features and low price. If you think they do, give us a chance to meet and beat their price. If nobody beats our offer, sign-up!

Unlike other providers, we do not force you to get e911 service, especially if you decide to get a second or more phone line(s). If you do not wish to pay for this service and save $1.50-2 monthly, you can have it removed by sending us a message that you understand and are assuming all the risks coming from this decision.

You may purchase your chosen plan right away:

Our Plans – List page from Classic Sites